
Saturday, August 26, 2006

Off-topic rant 

This awful article, which I first assumed MUST be satire, says that men shouldn't marry women with college educations and full time jobs that pay $30,000 or more. Apparently they should stick to the uneducated and underemployed, in order to avoid being dumped like the narrow-minded jerk who wrote the article.

I found a pretty good rebuttal on slate.com, which rips up the statistics that Forbes quoted pretty thoroughly. The rebuttal reads in part, "If you find yourself in the predicament of being unhappy about the income disparity within your marriage, take my advice: You're going to be unhappy about something, and if you're unhappy about this please shut up and go buy yourself a Fiji vacation." That made me smile....I need a vacation! But I'll be paying for my next one with air and hotel points, I think.

"Take a Fiji Vacation"- I like that!
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