Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Lucas (the "dog" we babysat) | 3 lbs |
Pigmy goat | 50 lbs |
me | 194 lbs |
Large dairy goat | 300 lbs |
Gorilla (male) | 350 lbs |
400 pound gorilla | 400 lbs |
Anaconda | 500 lbs |
Lion | 500 lbs |
Giant squid | 2,000 lbs |
My Honda Civic | 2,700 lbs |
Giraffe | 3,000 lbs |
White rhino | 4,000 lbs |
Hippo | 7,000 lbs |
Hummer H1 | 8000 lbs |
Elephant | 7,000 - 13,000 lbs |
Columbian Mammoth | 10,000 lbs |
Tyrannosaurus rex | 13,000 lbs |
Baluchitherium (largest land mammal) | 20,000 lbs |
Diplodocus | 22,000 lbs |
Whale-shark | 26,000 lbs |
M1A1 tank | 135,000 lbs |
Brachiosaurus (largest land animal) | 140,000 lbs |
Blue whale | 300,000 lbs |
2,200 acre honey mushroom in Oregon | 400,000 lbs |
Boeing 747-400 | 400,000 lbs |
Caltrain (locomotive + 4 cars) | 750,000 lbs |
General Sherman (giant sequoia) | 4,000,000 lbs |
Aspen clone in Utah (many trees but all one organism) | 13,000,000 lbs |
Titanic | 92,000,000 lbs |
Nimitz Class aircraft carrier, fully loaded | 200,000,000 lbs |
Pluto | 28,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 lbs |
Lucas just seemed too different to what I think of as a dog to get the title without quotes (not in a bad way).
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