
Friday, May 06, 2005

On the road again 

Six people live at our house, but it seems like no one's ever home! Here are all the airports (that I know of) that Goatlanders already plan to use this summer:

DEN (x 10 or more transits)
HNL (x 8)
IAD (x 4)
JFK (x 4)
LIH (x 4)
MSN (x 10+)
ORD (x 4+)
POP (x 4)
PSC (x 2)
SEA (x 10+)
SFO (x 52+)

That's a lot of frequent flier miles.

Denver, Honolulu, Washington Dulles, John F. Kennedy (New York), Lihue, Madison, Chicago O'Hare, Puerto Plata, Pasco, Seattle, San Francisco

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