
Sunday, May 30, 2004

Jon's sister Cassy is visiting for the weekend. While she is sleeping in Barnali's room, Barnali is out in Washington chilling with her parents in their new home.

Also, Jon has become the first resident to fall asleep on the couch, dreaming about doing a saucy song and dance number in front of a crowd of alums. Then, he grabbed one of the girls who was also dancing, and was possibly dressed up like a guy for the number, and waltzes her offstage, and tries to make out with her, but she's all like no because she's dating Scott Weiland, and then Jon was saying that Scott Weiland was a washed up junkie loser, but she persisted and so Jon said fuck it. Then he went to the hors' dourves table, and the lady serving was like "help yourself, the alums have taken off for downtown to dare eachother to eat wild and wilder food". So, Jon was chilling and eating, and then one of the other girls from the dance number was like, "Want to make some jazz?" and then the lady serving the hors' dourves chuckled, "I know what that means. hee." And then Jon's sister woke him up.

Also, Jon's sister refuses to sleep in despite Jon's protests.

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