Friday, January 13, 2006
Happy New Year
Well the holidays are over, but our tree is still up! I think my new year's resolution is to take down the Christmas tree and lights.
Over the long new year's weekend, my sister cheered for USC's valiant but ultimately unsuccessful efforts in the Rose Bowl. Here she is getting ready to go to the stadium (she's the one with dark hair):

The second photo was taken at the game. As a house full of Stanford alums, we may have said some mean things about USC at one point or another, but I will say this: despite all the pageantry and posing that is associated with college sports, every USC student I've met is down to earth (even in LA) and genuinely proud of their school.
Fight on!

Over the long new year's weekend, my sister cheered for USC's valiant but ultimately unsuccessful efforts in the Rose Bowl. Here she is getting ready to go to the stadium (she's the one with dark hair):

The second photo was taken at the game. As a house full of Stanford alums, we may have said some mean things about USC at one point or another, but I will say this: despite all the pageantry and posing that is associated with college sports, every USC student I've met is down to earth (even in LA) and genuinely proud of their school.
Fight on!